Well not a video just a link..
But listen..
You won't regret it :]
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Video as Promised...
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Reach Every Reader
Okay so I'm not trying to 'reach every reader'. I'm sitting in the library at school and I saw it on a post-it and I needed a title. So there you go, 'reach every reader' it is.
I bought my prom "tickets"... I paid Tyler and I paied $50 dollars for a receit that says PHS Prom $50... One piece of flimsy easty to lose almost see through paper. I know it sounds ridiculous but, to me, it's not the paper it's what the paper means (to me). It will be in my hope chest with my prom invitation and a picture or Tyler and I for when I grow up and want to look back at it : ] I know, I know.. I sound packratish but really I'm sentimental. If you know me at all, you should know that I keep just about everything that holds a memory for me. That way I NEVER forget all the good times. Plus, I will have a lot of stories to tell my kids and grandkids.
Fact: I have every note ever written to me in two 3 inch and 2 inch binders since 8th grade. Sometimes I get them out and read them and look at how far I have come, who my friends are now, and who isn't around anymore. It's neat. I think.. What do some of you hold on to?? What have you kept over the years?
I have ceased to buy a prom dress. I will get it done though. I promise!!!
Friday (tomorrow) I'm going to my friend Kayla's house... I haven't seen her since January because she had to move back to Freedom. However, it's her 18th birthday party and she says she needs her best friend there. I am also very excited to go! :]
1:55 p.m. and Patton High School's library is dead!!
Have you ever seen the movie Memory Keeper's Daughter? It's good I recommend it, however, I recommend the book over it. So much better. See, I saw the movie first and LOVED it (because it had a Down's Syndrome girl in it :]). Then I read the book and after reading the book, I realized how much awesome stuff the movie leaves out! It disappoints me a little. They need a remake, even though to do it by the whole book would make a 3 hour long movie... I would watch every second of it!\
American Idol anyone? Danny Gokey would be my favorite... He is amazing. && what I find to be awesome is he is a church music teacher. && I hope that after his American Idol (win, I hope) he goes into Christian music. I love him hahaha... He's awesome. Megan Joy is awesome too... She is also so pretty...
Walking After Midnight by Patsy Cline was her best performance yet...I went and bought it on I-tunes. I think she did better than the original with Patsy Cline singing it (personally).
I'll post the video later because school computers won't let me get on youtube.com so I shall get back to you with that performance.
Good day! :]
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 10:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Not Interesting.
I have nothing interesting to say but thought that I should check in to let everyone know that I'm still alive.
Prom is still on the roll and the wedding too..
At this very moment I'm sitting in my fourth period bored to death because there is nothing to do. It seems as if the librarian doesn't come around until I'm about to sneak onto Myspace.. (lame) ahaha..
It's just another Monday in my world. I'll get out of school, go spend time with The C Man, and then I'm off to Bible Study where I have loads of fun with my friends until Trish has to drag me out the door because I never want to leave. I really do enjoy Bible Study and the new things we have been learning.
I still ask you to keep my friend in your prayers because she is still worrying me. I know it's not my place to worry but everyone needs someone to care for them.. and I'm just that person for whoever I can be that person for. I wish I could save the world. Not in a spiritual sense (even though that would be nice too) but sometimes just to save them from themselves and stuff. Mom says I care too much but I odn't know what else to do. Dad says my hearts too big ahhaha.. I don't mind. I like loving people. They say who loves the most hurts the most but that's okay with me. I don't think God would let me love so much if He thought that I couldn't handle the pain.
When you meet a person do you wonder if they are saved or not? I do that.. I done that with a football player that came here a few weeks ago (find out in the blog about "The Whole School!" When I shook his hand I wondered if he was saved or not and then he ended up telling his testimony.. I thought that to be pretty awesome.
Well y'all tell me about your day today because I have nothing more to bore you with... Have a blessed day!
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 11:12 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Update Time
It has been a while since I updated and told you about my exciting life. Lately I just haven't been a computer nerd. My laptop seems to shut off these days so zi don't like getting on unless I totally have to.
You haven't missed anything much. I have posted most of the big news like the superior, prom, the wedding. We are still working on the prom and wedding. I just hope I get everything together for prom. I don't even have my dress yet, and I can't find one.
Senior English is stressing me bad. We have not only Senior Project to work on but we have normal english work. Reading books, writing papers, etc.. I just have so much due just this Friday.. a speech, a paper, a novel. It's crazy. I never knew it could be so stressful. This is when I wish that I had this schedule last semester. That way I would be passed all this.
My nephew Clayton spent the night with us Tuesday.. I didn't seem him till Wednesday because Trish (my brother's soon to be wife) had me at a salon till 10:30 to lighten her hair up. It wouldn't have taken so long if her hair wouldn't have turned orange and then another client of Tonya's walked in.. and Murphy's Law. So we played some Wednesday. I don't think he felt good or something .. He fussed at me a lot hahaha. But I have to get used to things like that from a kid. He's growing up and getting extremely independent. He is walking now.. Like a zombie to keep his balance. But walking, yes.
Oh, I was wanting to ask everyone to pray for my friend. Her and her boyfriend just broke up for reasons... and she has went the other way. I don't want to get into detail on here. I just ask for you prayers because she is not saved and this has been a huge burden on my heart. But God has not yet opened that door for me to talk to her about Him. I know she doesn't believe in Him that much and she's not saved. I just ask you to pray for her and me. That I can be the example I need to be to her from Him. Thanks to those of you that do.
I have to finish my paper and power point for english and business law so I'm going to get on that because my teacher has gave us about 45 minutes of freetime.
God Bless You on Your Day.
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
A SUPERIOR My Friends..
Why yes, another one.. That makes my senior year a whole lot better. That's two this year. Patton High School Chamber singers went to Gastonia for contest today.. Our judges gave us the scores of 94, 95, & a 97!! (We had 3 judges therefore 3 scores) but still. :) && I GOT ALL MY CLAPS AND STOMPS RIGHT!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm saying I have worked for months trying to get these claps and stomps (we had to clap and stomp while singing = so hard) and today I messed up in the practice room. Plus I'm on the front row so I was slightly worried that I would mess up and be the cause of our epic fail. However, when I got on stage.. I stuck with it and it was like God just handed it to me and I got them all right. Afterwards when I tried to do it I couldn't.. Isn't that crazy??
I also got to know this girl in my chorus a little better. She reminds me of me, the way I feel about God, relationships, music, etc... She is a year younger than me.. and quite a lot prettier and whatnot. But she is the sweetest thing!
How are you today?
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The WHOLE School!
That's right, I had to get up in front of the whole school && talk into a microphone. See, Mike McCoy from the Green Bay Packers came to my school today (if you don't know him you should meet him he's awesome.. Google it. I think he played in like the 70's). Well, my friend Ashley went up there for something he needed a volunteer for and he told her to call a friend up and of course... haha, she called me. I hear "Jamie Carswell" over the microphone and I say "I'm going to kill her" and stand up and face my doom.
Well it wasn't complete doom I was nervous and I thought my heart would jump out of my chest but hey, I met a famous football player, got his autograph (but I gave it to my brother Chad), and now the whole school knows me. Haha,
Thought I would share my adventure with you today.
I'm going to Gastonia tomorrow with Chambers for contest! Keep us in your prayers!!
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
His signature...
Tyler signed the paper so prom is pretty much set in stone now :)
I'm so happy.
I'm really tired here lately for some reason, time change I suppose.
We are still getting ready for the wedding :):):)..
I'm still so happy.
Sorry so short.. I'm real sleepy.
Have a happy day tomorrow!
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
I don't have much..
There isn't much in my life. I spilled my wonderful weekend out on your lap the other night. It was fantastic. God has blessed us so immensely. With our family growing in marriage and birth. It's neat.
My cousin, Kory, and I figured out that our family is born in twos. Honestly, all cousins have a cousin their age except two.
For starters my brother Chad and my cousin Brandy Leigh were born close together.
My brother and cousin Amanda were born in the same month and year.
Kory and I were born close together.
Gavin don't have anyone.
Hailey and Isaiah (although brother and sister) are born close together.
Dawn has nobody.
Then Isabella and my nephew Clayton were born close together.
Now Brandy Leigh is pregnant and so is my sister in law Nikki.
Isn't that weird?
I think it's neat.
Thought I would share that little discovery with you.
Oh && I get to go to prom!! The tardies only count for first period. So I get to go. Because that way I only have two. However, I am still going to double check to make sure. Which I think is the smart thing to do :]
No worries Nikki, Amy, & Joan. I shall be attending my senior prom!! :]
Have a blessed day!
I must now go back to english 12 class.
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Today was such a blessed & WONDERFUL day!!
To start of the day today my dad and my brother, Andrew, had me up at 9 ready to work because we had to cut the limbs back off the road. I thought we would never finish!! I praise God that I was able to do it though because I hurt my back a few days back and it's getting better.
When we were done me, Trish (Andrew's girlfriend fiance'), my mom, and Tonya (a friend from church) went to Hickory to Fashion Mart to go wedding dress shopping. Trish got a dress on the first try!! I have yet to see her in it because I got here late. We also got a flower girls dress for Kali (my little cousin). Also my dress. The first one didn't go over well because, well I won't lie, I have big hips haha. I needed something that flaired a bit. I'm not big on the strapless but I have a shaw and I'll be tan by then so it is all good.
Oh.. I am sitting here jabbering away about a wedding. Well my brother finally asked his girlfriend of 4 and 1/2 years to marry him!! :) I'm so happy. She also got her ring today and she's getting her wedding band sized!!
I'm also going to be an aunt again!! :D:D:D
God has blessed me so much in so many ways.. just today.
My nephew got cake all over him while eating his personal cake and when Chad went to change him he come out with a shirt that says "I'm the big brother" :D That was the best way to tell us.
See, God had it worked out to where they couldn't have Clayton's party on the designated date. I think that might just be why.
I'm still contimplating on prom. I don't know. With the wedding, and all the money going out with it. Who knows?? Plus I Pinks is in Charolette on that night (and Calvary's youth revival..hm,) Yes Nikki I do watch Pinks when I see it on!! HAHAHA!
Well Trish and Andrew are here. I think..
Have a blessed day tomorrow! My God fill you with happiness and joy!!
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow !!
Haha, I was like a little kid today. I started at the back of the house making a snowball and rolled it to the front of the house :) It was huge!! I was excited because I was making it for my Mawmaw because she can't get out in the snow but she loves it so much.. However, on that last heave trying to push this humongous snowball up this small incline the thing attacked me!! my back locked. Who does that?
At this moment I'm sitting in this chair as still as possible hoping the pain will go away.
Smart me, still goes to bible study (a good 30 minute drive) with my brother, Andrew, driving. Wow, then when we got up there and I waddled inside I laughed (because that's what happens at the Jaynes house) and it jars me all over. I'm telling you. I forgot how bad a back could hurt since the night it locked when I was moving my dogs lot..
Pray for me that the pain shall reside and I can be able to get to school tomorrow!! I can't miss anymore days because I don't want to take unnecessary final exams!!
My brother got his girl back. So I'm pretty happy. Pray for them that they will put God at the head of their relationship as they start anew.. (I'm not pretty happy.. I'm extactic!)
I got to spend the day with my best boy today. Clayton! We finally got one chip to work in my camera and we got pictures today:
Here are a few of today :
My snowman woman. Her name is Granny Mae. haha,
Me with Granny Mae.
Clayton and his hat (that was actually his dad's hat when his daddy was little).
One of my very favorites today.
As you can tell we had a wonderful day. All but the pain. Ha, so now I'm going to go reside to a good book and some prayer.
Posted by Jamie Lynn at 7:47 PM 1 comments